Useful L&D resources

Below are sites that I like. These sites are good sources for L&D professionals. I will update the list further as I discover more sites.

  1. Deved, this site is owned by Jasmine Robinson. She is a really cool girl who is an expert in education technology, a full-stack web developer, and a graphic designer at the same time. I came across her site when I was searching about learning and development at Netflix. Her site provides many good L&D materials and a Learning toolkit.
  2.  Where Companies Go Wrong with Learning and Development, by Havard Business Review (HBR)
  3.  Guy W. Wallace blog. I came across this site when I was reading his post or comment criticizing Learning Styles.
  4. L&D podcast by David James. He has been working in People Development for more than 20 years at Disney. I like his sharing about L&D. You can read more from his blog here
  5. DISM (Duke Initiative on Survey Methodology) if you want to learn more about survey research methods. This link came to me when I was searching survey method to conduct a survey for learning needs. There is another course available on Coursera where you can learn more.
  6.  Re: Work with Google. is a perfect start if you want to learn more about L&D at Google. I don't know why they use default Japanese for this site. If you want to read in English, you need to use the translate function when you begin reading this page.
  7.  Offbeat L&D. This is a group of L&D professionals who are gathering weekly news for L&D. You need to pay for premium content.
  8. Another L&D blog, Pabial. I like this guy.
  9. Luke Hobson is a learning designer at MIT. I like his podcast and his blog as well. 
  10.  Listings in corporate learning management systems available by G2
  11. The best learning management system in the eLearning Industry.
  12. Tips for writing quiz questions


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