Useful L&D resources
Below are sites that I like. These sites are good sources for L&D professionals. I will update the list further as I discover more sites.
- Deved, this site is owned by Jasmine Robinson. She is a really cool girl who is an expert in education technology, a full-stack web developer, and a graphic designer at the same time. I came across her site when I was searching about learning and development at Netflix. Her site provides many good L&D materials and a Learning toolkit.
- Where Companies Go Wrong with Learning and Development, by Havard Business Review (HBR)
- Guy W. Wallace blog. I came across this site when I was reading his post or comment criticizing Learning Styles.
- L&D podcast by David James. He has been working in People Development for more than 20 years at Disney. I like his sharing about L&D. You can read more from his blog here.
- DISM (Duke Initiative on Survey Methodology) if you want to learn more about survey research methods. This link came to me when I was searching survey method to conduct a survey for learning needs. There is another course available on Coursera where you can learn more.
- Re: Work with Google. is a perfect start if you want to learn more about L&D at Google. I don't know why they use default Japanese for this site. If you want to read in English, you need to use the translate function when you begin reading this page.
- Offbeat L&D. This is a group of L&D professionals who are gathering weekly news for L&D. You need to pay for premium content.
- Another L&D blog, Pabial. I like this guy.
- Luke Hobson is a learning designer at MIT. I like his podcast and his blog as well.
- Listings in corporate learning management systems available by G2
- The best learning management system in the eLearning Industry.
- Tips for writing quiz questions
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