English #3: The science of imagination
I read this article from an IELTS book that I borrowed from the library. It is an interesting article about imagination. There are 40 new words 👀. First, I read the article without using Google Translate. I underlined every new word. Second, I translate new words into Vietnamese using Google Translate. Then, I read the article again, and this time I could understand the whole idea of the author. Below is my short summary. It is widely agreed that intelligence tests only capture verbal and spatial reasoning. All of these traits belong to the left hemisphere ( / ˈhem.ɪ.sfɪə r /) of our brain. On the other hand, emotional, holistic (toan dien), and imaginative thinking are characteristic of the right hemisphere. In reality, both hemispheres work collectively in dealing with any one task. Creative people are those who can think unexpected new thoughts and produce innovative concepts. There are 4 stages in the pattern of highly creative people: Preparation, or Immersion : this...